Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dean Martin's balls

I love a good headline.

I found this gem of a post by Adam Finely over at Adjab . It's about Dean Martin endorsing his own product in a way only Dean could manage to do (check out the video on the post).

In it's day I am certain the ad was talked about and brought attention to Dean's venture into sporting goods. The thing is, he was a bad of a golfer. So, why would anyone want a golf ball with his name on it? I wonder who the agency was that produced the spot?

It's a much different image than buying some of Fuzzy Zoeller's balls (sorry, could not resist working using Fuzzy into this post somehow). I am logging onto eBay right now to search for a baker's dozen of Dean's balls.

Ciao, I feel the need for a martini all of a sudden...

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At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a pretty terrific video. Thanks, Michael. Nice find.


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