Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Scotiabank Podcast - The Money Clip - Goes Live

I will admit this post is shameless self promotion for Scotiabank. What's worse is that Ken Schafer at One Degree scooped me on my very own story!

Anyhow, I am very happy to announce that our team at Scotiabank has just launched The Money Clip - a consumer oriented podcast from a financial institution. After a scan of the space, I think we are safe in saying we are the first North American FI (perhaps even the world) to have launched a podcast (if that assertion is not correct, please let me know).

However, this was not a race to see who could be first. We based The Money Clip podcast on meaningful content that will bring insights on money related matters to Canadians (and anyone else who listens).

In terms of background, I started a program at Scotiabank called The Vault about 6 years ago. The Vault is an online guide to getting ahead financially, helping Canadians with insights and advice on personal finance. The goal is to extend objective, relevant and neutral content each and every month to our subscribers.

With the rise of podcasting (albeit still a very new medium), we thought this would be a wonderful way to extend our service, drilling deeper into financial matters by speaking with financial experts. By nature, podcasts are self-select and on-demand. They offer a unique method to deliver our brand in a meaningful way to our customers (and yet-to-become customers) that are interested in growing their financial knowledge.

The first series from The Money Clip is on Mutual Funds, split into three segments for beginners, intermediate and advanced investors. Part 1 is available now. Part 2 next week and Part 3 the following week. From there, we will continue to deliver podcasts dedicated to demystifying money related matters.

So, give The Money Clip podcast from The Vault at Scotiabank a listen. Let us know what you think. Before I go, a huge thanks to Tanya M for the name and to the entire team at Twist Image and Scotiabank marketing for collaborating and delivering a great program!

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At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a neat idea. Fidelity has a couple of podcasts going already though and have for a few months now. You can view them in itunes. Good luck with the Scotia endeavor!


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