Tuesday, June 13, 2006

BarCamp - the T-shirt

An inside joke I want to share is from back in April. Around the same time as Search Engine Strategies Toronto, I missed out on attending BarCamp put on by David Crow. I was quite disappointed that I was unable to make it.

The evening of Barcamp, I sent a Blackberry IM to a good friend who was there with this line:

“This one time, at BarCamp…”

and gained some chuckles for my instant message comic relief.

I relayed the story to David Crow at CaseCamp Toronto tonite and there may be a movement sometime soon to print up “This one time, at Barcamp…” t-shirts in order to help fund future BarCamp events. You heard it here first folks.

Let it be know that I may have just crossed the divide and entered the realm of fashion design. God help us all.


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hysterical. Now, the question is why Blogger, Wordpress.com also works.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the peanut gallery at Bar Camp when Michael sent that IM. We had to refrain from laughing during the presentations. Who knew bankers had such a good sense of humour? ;-)

Count me in for a shirt!

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Michael Seaton said...

Blogger is just a temporary step. A relauch without Blogger is in the near future. Love the T-shirt design!

At 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this truly is geeky. i like. i'll buy a shirt, especially if it's to help clear barcamp debt!


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